The Theory of Galdr


Words do have power. But the meanings and intentions underlying those words have even more power. Further still, the substrate underlying all meaning and intention are the various vibrations of human consciousness. This is where we find the subtle sapient resonance which holds the most powerful human creative potential.

The ancient wordsmiths and runemasters knew this as they composed poetry and sang runesongs. They understood the intrinsic power of words through the interplay of intention and the sonic components of those words. They knew how to weave together the sounds and meanings into powerful songs and chants that would literally transform the landscape of human consciousness.

Essentially, Galdr interweaves the meanings of words with their constituent sounds in a way that resonates within the deepest parts of our beings. This intermingling of sonic vibrations and consciousness vibrations within a framework of meaning and intention, gives rise to influential resonations deep within the psyche that become reflected throughout the many layers of reality we all reside within.

Ancient words of power can still hold sway over our modern world. But only if we understand the meanings of those words and learn how to unite ancient practices within the context of our contemporary set of realities. This is how Galdr becomes the interface between the highest part of your being and every part of reality with which you perceive and interact.

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